Tuesday, June 27, 2017

This Year at the Summit

This year for the family business meeting and reunion, we headed up to Park City for a stay at the Montage at Deer Valley. It is the vacation we look forward to all year long, and we were thrilled for this year's destination. In years past, we've been to Hawaii (twice!), but the mountains of Utah were a lot more appealing to us...especially when you consider the flight time with two tiny humans.

Last week, Dylan took off for work at dawn on Monday morning, and the next couple of days found me stressed and cranky. Preparing for a long trip with the whole family, going to work and being on my own with the boys all at the same time does not make me the best version of myself. But, as I tend to do, I got everything done and left the house show-ready on Wednesday morning. Kristin, along with all three nephews, volunteered their time and effort to deliver us to the airport that morning. That's no quick trip, and we were uber-grateful. After helping us unload at Terminal 4, I had Graham secure in the stroller, and we were ready to go. The only problem was that I could not find Tom, my father-in-law. K and the boys were just about to pull out when it occurred to me that I hadn't even checked my ticket for which airline we were on, so I called Dylan to find out, and I waved her down in the nick of time when I discovered we were on Delta and needed a ride to Terminal 3. Doh.

After a couple other fiascos involving an overweight bag and an attempt at sneaking bottles full of water through security for the boys, we made it to our gate. Super Grandpa took the third seat in our row and saved my sanity on the way to Salt Lake. By the time we reached our room at The Montage, I knew everything would be smooth sailing. I was certainly second-guessing my decision to bring the boys to Utah by myself, but once everything was in place, it was all good. Millions of thanks to my in-laws for connecting through PHX and spending the night at an airport hotel on literally the hottest day of the year to help the boys and me get to SLC. Another million thanks to K and the boys for making the very long airport run for us!

We were on the first floor, and our door opened up to the Grand Lawn. The weather was perfect, and the boys enjoyed playing in the grass. Have you ever been to a Montage? It is the definition of luxury, and not at all the typical accommodations for the family reunion. (Apparently they scored a great deal for the event a couple years ago when the hotel was brand new.) It was fantastic. We had our own gas fireplace and a closet huge enough for Graham's oversized crib...which was key for putting the baby to bed early.

We ordered in room service for our first meal because that seemed like the only thing that made sense for feeding myself and the boys. The next day, the boys swam with the Millers, we all had lunch together, and Jace and Mik took over kid duty so I could be at the family foundation board meeting. They were total rock stars with helping me out in Dylan's absence. We went to the open house for camp in the afternoon and kicked off the reunion with the family-wide dinner at night.

Super Grandpa helping us get to SLC

The best way to spend a couple hours

The captain gave Gavin wings!

Room service for the tired and hungry

Living the good life!

Real grass!
Cleaning up in a bath fit for a king

Of course they had robes for the little ones...

Graham was so exhausted

Friday morning, we were up and at 'em for breakfast and an early drop-off at Camp Three Tree for the boys. Gavin was in the same class as his cousin Judah this summer! Camp has a reputation for being the best, most fun experience for the kids, which will be the reason we go to the reunion year after year. For the grown-ups, it was a day full of meetings and food. Graham was in bed early at night, and Gavin was out on the lawn playing games with the family. After we were all sound asleep, Dylan rumbled in to join us in our slumber after a long week at work.

Aunt Miki couldn't have a sweeter soul

Bacon and shades

We found snow!

Good times at the pool

No pictures, please

Z and Gavin at breakfast before the first day of camp

Montage employee providing entertainment for Gavin during the family lawn games

Saturday brought more meetings for the adults, more good times at camp for the kids, and after an afternoon intermission, the kids went to night time camp while we enjoyed an adult dinner and line dancing. Except that I thought I'd enjoy some peace and quiet more than I'd enjoy line dancing after a long week with the boys, so I sought refuge in my room for a couple hours. It was the right decision.

On Sunday, we brought the boys to their final day at camp, and we had no required meetings. Sadly, after breakfast, we learned about the passing of Dylan's aunt back in Seattle. With most of the family together in one place, we were able to gather and have an impromptu ceremony to celebrate her life, and it was more moving and emotional than I could have expected. We were all grateful to be able to gather together during such a time.

I fit in a mind-clearing hike around Deer Valley, and we finished off the reunion with the final lunch. We picked up the kids and headed into town for the Alpine coaster and Alpine slide. Gavin and Dylan rode the coaster together, and while zooming down the mountain, Gavin exclaimed, "I love this!" I took him down the slide, and he said, "I like this!" I think we have a lover of thrill rides. After that, the whole Miller clan boarded the bus to downtown for dinner at a nice sushi restaurant. It was a great place for awesome sushi, but not the best setting for a group of extremely over-tired young children. We tucked everyone in back at the hotel and prepped for our travels the next day.


During my hike, I felt major regret that we never followed through on our plan to live as ski bums in a mountain town before having kids.

Patiently waiting for dad and big brother to do the Alpine coaster.

So fun!

Awake before everyone else at the resort, we ran laps around the grass to burn off some energy.

The view of the resort on my hike.


Conversations with Aunt Tuna

He didn't get to do the mountain rides, but he got a scoop of ice cream out of the deal.

Riding the chairlift to the slide

Mik and UJ!

Graham's first city bus ride

Not the most relaxing dinner, but it sure was delicious!

On Monday, 12 of us Millers (including 5 kids) all boarded a flight to PDX. I can tell you the key to flying with a 1-year-old lap child, which is agreeably the most difficult age for taking a child on an airplane. That is, put your loving and adoring sister-in-law in the row behind you, pass the child over the seat before take-off, and allow him to fall asleep in her arms and stay with her for most of the flight. Thanks, Tess!

Paying for a seat for Graham might not end up being such a bad thing once he turns 2

We certainly scored on this deal. Thanks for taming The Beast, T!!!!

Waiting at the gate with the entire family circus

Ahhhh, we made it.

Before we knew it, we had Mt. Hood in view. Deer Valley was awesome, but not restful. I was so happy to touch down in Oregon, where we could enjoy a week of not doing much at all. After a stop at the Apple store in Portland for a watch repair and a quick run through TJs in Salem, we made it to the coast. The air is misty, the sky is overcast, and we are in our pants and jackets. It is perfection.

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