Saturday, May 20, 2017

Another Week in the Life

Coming at you from Freshbox on a Saturday morning, I am feeling mighty fine. I'm flying could I not be fine? Dylan is home with the boys who are BOTH ASLEEP at the same time, which has happened exactly once or twice ever since Graham was born (because Gavin doesn't really nap). So, Dylan is doing ok, too.

But, let's back up. I haven't been in touch for a few days for various reasons. Mostly because if I got on the blog to give you an update on our life, I'd sound like a broken record, repeating all the same things we tend to do Monday thru Thursday. Also, this week I was utterly and completely out of steam by the end of each day and was mostly braindead too. Dylan was gone, which increases the exhaustion level by more than just a hair. But also, I think the boys have passed their latest childhood virus on to me, so I've been battling a sore throat in addition to a very persistent bout of insomnia. #hotmess

Dylan made it back Thursday night, and Gavin was so happy to have his Dad back when he woke up Friday morning. He was desperate for Dylan to lift up our heavy coffee table so he could retrieve one of his 1,238,293 Hot Wheels that had rolled underneath when we were launching cars down his track earlier in the week. It was just one of the many tasks on the "Ask Daddy when he gets home" list, but clearly the most important one. Dylan mostly took the day off from duty, and we hit our mutual gyms, the aquarium and lunch. Of course, the highlight for the boys was our stop into Costco on the way home. I love the place, too, but I don't understand the draw for the kids. Maybe it's riding together in the cart? Or the samples?

Trying to enjoy the strangely perfect weather this week.

Killing time in Nonna and Papa's playroom while the house was being shown.

"Who put that wrench in my yogurt?"

My mom visited Gavin's school to see his baseball practice and got this shot of him sliding into home.

They were playing in the pantry. And I didn't stop them. If they're happy, I'm happy.

Graham rode on my back for the aquarium. I won't pretend that he was completely happy or didn't try to get out the whole time, but it beat having him climb out of the stroller and then me chasing him all over the place.

Pardon my appearance, but someone was causing a big of a ruckus in the kids club that morning, so I wasn't able to grab a shower after my workout....

Kid paradise?

This boy cracks me up all day long. I really think he's one of the funniest humans I've ever known. And the sweetest. But he knows how to push my buttons and test my patience!

As far as the rest of the weekend, we don't have a lot on the calendar. I had requested a few hours to be alone to clear the head and recharge the batteries as much as possible, so here I am. I think any reasonable being deserves that after spending every waking hour of four days working or wrangling small children. The good news is that we'll have Dylan around for a week or two, which lightens my Tuesday/Thursday burden pretty significantly and overall makes our house a much better place to be. I'm happier, less stressed and more rested, which makes my heart more charitable and thus I'm a better mom and a better person. Or at least a person who is functional and mostly sane by the end of the day.

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