I'll make this brief because I'm short on time and short on interesting news. Where did I leave off? I don't know, but our weekend saw both ends of the spectrum of busy and relaxing. Saturday was great. After hanging out on my own for a few hours, I met up with Dylan, who had just dropped the boys with my parents. We looked at some houses, dropped in at a graduation party in an airplane hangar, did some casual shopping, and then grabbed a beer at Grimaldi's before reuniting with the boys and my parents at the splash pad. Perfecto.
Come Sunday morning, though, I had to wave the white flag. I'd been fighting a cold all week, and my energy was surprisingly low. I love being home, but I usually have to leave at least once during the day for a change of scenery. Not on this day. I couldn't find a good reason to leave. Also, I didn't shower until almost noon. I'm the type to shower ASAP every day. It makes me feel like a human. So, when I found myself lounging on the couch in the middle of the day and realized that I'd never actually laid on the couch with a blanket and my head on a pillow during daytime hours....not ever in the history of our couch, I remarked to Dylan that I really must be feeling under the weather. The next two nights involved lots of shivering and feeling cold when my temperature was actually quite hot. Like a ding dong, I still dragged my sorry butt to the gym on Monday and then after another fevery night reported to work on Tuesday with barely a voice. I must be genetically programmed against calling in sick unless I'm throwing up or in the hospital.
Graham's favorite thing is to take all the books off the shelf and then sit there and thumb through the pages. |
Gavin and Luke working in the yard on Sunday morning. Thanks for sending this cute pic, E! |
D and G are always thrilled when they can sit in a Tesla at the Scottsdale Quarter. |
Making a card to take to Cruz for his Kindergarten Graduation party! |
G played hooky from the afternoon at school and got some one-on-one time with Nonna on Tuesday. |
Sliding into home! |
I get my fair share of normal colds, but I don't get real sick real often. And I wasn't even
real sick. But, I am happy that I had a normal night last night and a normal day today. My voice is still struggling and there's some funk in my lungs, but overall I'm good. Luckily, Dylan was in town all weekend, and actually having us all home lazing around on Sunday was really good for everybody, I think! D and G took a quick trip out on Sunday morning to rescue a family member who had run out of gas followed by a quick, impromptu playdate with Luke. At night, Gavin went to bed in the same pajamas that he woke up in that morning.
D and G will start the holiday weekend early after Gavin's end of the year pizza party at school. G2 and I will catch up with them the next morning, after I get another pesky Thursday at work behind me. I look forward to all the fun that we have on the agenda!
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