Sunday, June 4, 2017

Five Stars!

We got an early start to kick off the weekend on Friday morning. It was a 7:30 departure time, and the destination was my parents' house. After getting our boys settled there, we headed into CrossFit. I was excited to be a guest for Dylan's workout. And it was pretty cool! For right now, though, my current set-up is pretty great...that little detail called child care is pretty clutch. Some day when the boys are both in school, I may just have to fit a warehouse-style workout into my agenda. Along with all the other things I plan to do when both boys are in school.

From there, we cruised around a bit before hitting our 11am appointment at Massage Envy. That's right, we've just added a massage membership to our monthly line-up of activities...because when it qualifies for HSA spending, why the heck not? Rare is an hour better spent than during a massage. The problem will be finding an hour to sneak away each month. I only get my hair cut like twice a year because I just really hate the dual-duty of making an appointment for something that also requires child care. For this, though, I'm sure I can get my act together. Usually when Dylan is on a trip and has all kinds of time for things like going to the movies and getting massages while my stressed-out ass is barely holding it together at home, we have a don't-ask-don't-tell policy. I've spent enough time bemoaning the injustice of it all...and it doesn't do either of us any good. But after getting on a Massage Envy membership after his last trip, I guess I can say I came out a winner in this situation.

The fun didn't end there. It was Flo's for lunch, after bailing on the chaos of Coconuts. Shoot, I really wanted fish tacos, but I just cannot do crowds, noise, and chaos, especially all at once. We followed it up with a run through Nordstrom Rack before reuniting with our boys at my parents' house for an afternoon swim. Afterward, we left Gavin there and packed up Graham and then visited the open house at our chiropractors' new office. Open houses don't typically make it onto the weekend agenda...but the chiropractors are a husband and wife team about our age with two boys the same ages as our boys, and they're just always really cool and nice. Dylan, Gavin and I have all visited them at some point in the past few years, and we were excited to catch up and see their new office. It was a late night for G2, but overall, it was an awesome date day for D and me, and just a great day in general!

After running around on Saturday morning, we made it back home around noon and decided to take it slow and stick around here for the day. We usually like to squeeze in some time at home in-between going out about the town.

G took in a car show with my parents on Saturday morning

And then he was off to Home Depot to make a project, where Dylan met up with him while G2 and I were off doing our thing.

On Saturday afternoon, Dylan and Gavin partnered up with Max and Pierce to partake in some criminal trespassing at a construction site a few miles down the road. After that, they went swimming across the street. 

Meanwhile, back at home, I discovered that the dog pen also works great for kids, which freed me up to do as I please all afternoon.

Kidding! Totally kidding.

And just like that, it was Sunday. We hit the early service at church. When we heard that Elaine and Luke were going to check out the aquarium for the first time, we decided to join them. We thought Gavin might have fun seeing the aquarium with a friend, and we were right! Those two zipped around the entire time, and Graham wasn't too far behind. We were constantly chasing and tracking down kids, but everyone left happy and exhausted. Just before we found the exit, Dylan and Graham came across a sloth out on presentation. When he took a whiff of the leftovers from America's Taco Shop in the bottom of our stroller, he followed D and G2 around and around the fish tank. It was really something...

Giving Dad's nose a good, early morning honking 

Donuts after Sunday School!

Graham tried to keep up with the big boys the entire time. He burned so much energy!

It was a weekend of family togetherness, fun times and lots of dining out (if you can count Chick-fil-A). Five stars in my book! Dylan is off on a 3-nighter this week that coincides perfectly with my work schedule. It makes for an intense and highly unenjoyable few days, but it more than makes up for having most weekends together. I'm already counting down the hours to Thursday night...

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