If you're wondering whether those pasty arms and shoulders pictured below ended up terribly sunburned, the answer is yes. #ultimatemomfail
In my defense, I was left stranded on the dock with a particularly rambunctious 1-year-old and with no control whatsoever over the sunscreen situation (or lack thereof). Graham was finishing a nap in the truck when D & G took off on the boat, and the nap wrapped up pretty quickly. Somehow, nobody thought to look for us. So, an hour later, I hoisted Graham on my shoulders and hiked around the lake until we could track them down. Once we found them, the first order of business was screening up those already-red arms. Not a real highlight of the weekend. #notbitter #notatall
Gavin's first time driving the boat |
G doing some roasting on his first night of camping with Dad. |
When you just need the comforting embrace of a big cousin. |
Triple decker! |
First time fishing! |
All the boys on a bug hunt...Gavin's favorite part of camping. |
Switching gears, we have had a great little Wednesday over here. Typically one of my least favorite days of the week, this one has played out a-ok so far. Dylan has been able to stick close by today, and he even sent me off in the morning for a kid-free trip to the gym...a place that I hadn't visited in over a week. We all teamed up for swim lessons followed by a family lunch at Panera and a shopping spree at Target. And now, we're just kickin' it at home. My kind of day.
And if you're wondering about the latest with the house, well there isn't much to know. We were planning to lower the price after a couple of weeks, but now we aren't going to do that for a little while. If lowering the price drums up interest and then the house goes under contract, well, it could interfere pretty severely with one of several carefully laid-out summer plans. On the other hand, if somebody wants to pay top dollar for this house, then I say be my guest and ruin the whole summer. Seriously.
In reality, it looks like we'll be here for at least a few more months. Real estate doesn't tend to change hands very quickly out here in the Rio Verde Foothills. I can live with that. And since Dylan says that he's moved every single time during the heat of the summer since coming to Arizona as a college kid, then maybe we can do this one when it's a few degrees cooler. Back in 2009, our house closed a few days late and messed up plans. Dylan was left with a large moving truck packed to the gills with furniture and stuff to unload by himself on a hot July day while I was at work. So, I owe him.
In the meantime, I'm going to put my formerly favorite past-time of cruising Zillow to the wayside. I think it just makes me frustrated because I've only seen one or two "perfect" houses, and of course they get sold. (Yes, the one I posted about with the awful backsplash has sold. It was so perfect...) It's one of those things that I have to recognize is largely out of my control, and whatever will happen will happen. It's like the Serenity Prayer that they say at AA meetings. You know the one..."God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference." In fact, I should probably apply that adage a lot more to my life. Like, a LOT. Heaven knows I'd probably sleep better at night!
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