My blog posts about anything inspirational have been few and far between lately. This space has plainly been a photo roll of everything we've been up to....which is fine. The reason for the blog is to document life and to have a place to come back and read about everything when we're super old. We've just fallen into a pattern...the grind for a few days followed by really great weekends full of family fun. Of course, we had several weeks of vacation to break things up a little bit, and that was certainly refreshing. I've had plenty happening on the side to keep the wheels churning in my brain (and to keep me up at night), but most of that stuff is just boring to anyone but me. I'm not feeling especially feisty or opinionated or mouthy right now. And so it is what it is...a touch on the boring side, but rest-assured all is well. In this moment, we are at my parents' cabin in Show Low. The kids are in bed, dinner is cleaned up and we're sitting on the patio in our sweats listening to a light rainfall. It is wonderful.
We came up to the cabin on a spur-of-the-moment decision earlier in the week. Friday was our first day here, and it was just the four of us. My parents joined us today at lunchtime. I'll post the photos and talk about the actual happenings of our short getaway in a few days. We've spent our time drinking wine, eating too much and not giving a hoot about being productive or exercising. That's how you know it's a real vacation.
As for the events of the week? I don't have much to report. Dylan took off to Seattle to see family for Monday and Tuesday. Meanwhile, my kids were in a state. Gavin was wholly unpleasant and put up a fight for everything, and Graham took the temper tantrum to a whole new level. (I was worried about him putting his head through drywall.) Tuesday, from start to finish, was one of the most grueling days in my recent history. The screaming and defiance on top of 'one of those days' at the job left me in an almost catatonic state by the time all was said and done. By Wednesday, Dylan was ready to don the Dad Hat for a good portion of the day. This freed me up to take care of things around the house and to get caught up with Steph at Kona Grill. I could find no shame in saying 'peace out' to those whom I love the most in an effort to regain a sense of sanity and some peace of mind. It was rejuvenating! I love the comfort and familiarity of being in the company of old friends. Steph is an oldie but goodie, and I'm glad we've made it a point to get together more often.
Come Friday, we took Gavin to school for his End-of-Summer party, where he enjoyed some ice cream and Jolly Roger, the magician. Dylan joined him for the fun. Since we were headed out of town and had the dogs in tow, Graham, the dogs and I spent the time at a nearby park. Graham hung out with a little girl who had just registered to start at his school and who would be joining the same room. I love coincidences like this!
Now that summer camp is over, Gavin has a week of daycare at school. The official start of the school year is the following week. I still don't know what class he'll be in since I am the most out-of-touch mother at The Scottsdale School. Whenever I'm in charge of pick-up and drop-off, he arrives super early so that I have time to drop off Graham and get to work. Hardly anybody is at the school. I pick him up super late when the last few kids are zoning out in front of the TV. I know almost nothing about what happens at school. I do get a few updates from various sources, though. From what I can tell, Gavin will be in Pre-K in the coming year. Since his birthday is just days before the cut-off, I seriously doubt he'll be in kindergarten next year. this point, I am very uninformed where that is concerned. I don't even know what to think about when considering which school he'll attend...other than that it will be public and free. I'll keep you posted as soon as I hear something.
If you're still hanging in there...stick with me. I'm dreaming up a post of things I'm loving right now. It's anybody's guess whether I'll actually carve out the time to publish it, but at least it's something to garner your interest. For now, goodnight!
I love the mundane updates and staying in the know!!!!! I too have been dreaming up a "Things I'm Loving Post" however I can all but assure you that yours will hit the WWW long before I even begin cranking mine out! Miss you friend!