1. TV before bed- I know, I know. Screen time before bed is supposed to be bad. But hasn't nearly everyone for their entire life watched TV before bed? I sleep horribly a lot of nights, but I don't think it's because of TV or screens. In fact, it's probably the opposite. I don't take enough time to stop and chill before it's time to hit the hay. So, I've been making it a point to fit in some chill time before bed, and usually that involves TV. I'm so out of touch with whatever is popular right now, and my go-to shows for the moment are Fixer Upper and 30 Rock. This is just proof of how late to the game I am when it comes to TV. As an HGTV/renovation/design lover, how am I just now falling in love with Chip and Jo? But I love them because Jo seems so cool, and she's so pretty, and Chip is just a straight up nerd. I'm sure most of what they say is scripted and fake, just like everyone else on that channel, but it works for them. Plus, I love what she does to the homes she renovates. She's a shiplapping machine...which isn't always my style, but I still tend to like her end result. And 30 Rock...well, Tina Fey and Alec Baldwin. (I might have a small crush on an almost-60-year-old. Whatever.) That's really all you need.
2. Meditation- I know you've heard it's all the rage lately. I have a very busy mind, which only serves to wreak havoc on life. So, I bought a Headspace subscription a few months back. I'm not great about doing it every day. I don't know if it has totally changed my life. But, when I take 10 minutes to be quiet and still, I think it only helps. Also, a cousin told me about Jason Stephenson (stream him on any music app!), and it's a totally different type of meditation, but still really cool. Anyway, my final verdict on meditation is that it's worth doing. Watch Andy on Jimmy Fallon just for fun!
3. Yoga with Adriene- Along the same lines of meditation, I think everyone has heard how yoga is good for you for a billion different reasons. I haven't been inside a yoga studio in probably 2 years. Even though they offer yoga classes at my gym, I'm a little intimidated to join the regular yogis in a tiny studio because I'm so plainly awful at it. After being away a lot this summer, I realized that my rigorous gym routine might be doing more harm than good. So, I trimmed it back a bit, and it's been really nice to have one or two mornings a week to not scramble to get everyone out of the house to be somewhere. If I don't work out, then I try to do a yoga video online at night. I'll be honest- it's not much of a calorie burner. At least not the way I do it. But, like meditation, I think it can only help me be a more healthy person in general.
4. Argan oil- I feel like the skin on my hands and face has shriveled up and gone limp in the last few years. It's not a great feeling. I blame the stress and lack of sleep, and I think that's completely fair. Back in my early 20s, people always thought I looked young. Sometimes I was even mistaken for a high schooler. That kind of thing does not happen to me anymore. I read about the anti-aging benefits of Argan Oil somewhere, and then Trader Joe's randomly started carrying it. So, now I keep it in stock and use it on my face and hands every night. That is, after I swab my face down in Jojoba Oil first. I end up a big, oily mess, but I think my skin thanks me. Just a note: I am a complete beauty failure- hair, make-up, nails...all of it. So, I don't know if you want to trust any beauty advice that comes from me, but I think the Argan Oil is making my skin come alive. Today, at my well-woman exam, the midwife remarked that she couldn't believe I was 35 because I looked so young. Maybe I'm getting my mojo back! Or maybe it's just the Argan Oil...
5. AirPods- Did I ever tell you about the time my knight in shining armor tracked down a pair of AirPods for me? Dylan spends all day listening to podcasts (or something) with one AirPod in his ear while half-listening to the rest of his life with his other ear. He loves his AirPods. I didn't think something as simple as wireless headphones could be so lovable, but his obsession did not fade over time. I'm not sure if you're familiar with AirPods, but they are extremely difficult to come by, and Dylan sneakily swiped his pair up when they first came to market. He knew I needed a pair, and got some app (or something) that tracked down available AirPods all over the country. He was alerted to a pair for sale at a Las Vegas Apple Store, so he called the store, paid for them and claimed them as his. He had a trip to Vegas the next week, so he was able to pick them up by hand. He brought them home to me as a surprise, and though I'm not a podcast addict, I must say they are fantastic. (Especially when you use them for doing Headspace!)
You guys, I don't know if this post makes me sound like a total granola or just straight up old and boring. Both are probably accurate ways to describe me. But, I'm okay with being a boring hippie! Life is good, my family is healthy and happy and having fun, and the rest is just details. I'm not that hopeless, anyway. When I think about it, I've still gotten out and enjoyed people and places, like a normal person. I've hit up the new Kona Grill a couple times, had wine at Postino with some girlfriends on Tuesday and reunited with a good friend at Fresh Box today. Version 2 of "Things 2 Luv" will be full of fun drinks, new restaurants, a great new shoe or handbag brand, some hacks for cooking and cleaning, book and podcast recommendations, and exciting finds from the Target $1 sections. Okay?!
Next on the blog, though, will be pictures from Gavin's first day of school. But not tonight. I have a date with Adriene right now.
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